It has been a rough winter in VE9

Spring has finally arrived and the snow is going down but this past winter seemed to be brutal even for here. Here are some photos of the snow vs antenna

Here is the base of my 630M vertical (Inverted L actually) in early Dec 2018

It is now early March 2019 and the SWR sweet spot has been getting lower and lower. Time to investigate.

I strap on a pair of snowshoes and head out to the base of the 630M vertical and start shovelling. I had no idea there was that much snow in the field. The hole that I dug to get down to the tote that contains the matching and loading inductors must be at least 4 feet deep! That is the red shovel handle poking above the hole. After a bit of tuning the antenna is now matched in the middle of the band again. My EWE receiving antenna seems to be deaf now though. That will have to wait until the snow melts to investigate that one. 21 unique stations worked on 630M so far! Best DX is G0MRF and LA3EQ

One Commnet on “It has been a rough winter in VE9

  1. Greetings from Malin Head. Just in case you did not see it yet, I have copied you well on WSPR overnight and back a while now. I was active on transmit on 630m, but other things got in the way this last while. I monitored last night using my main 630m antenna and an Icom 705.

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